Have a cooking break! Make your own pizza near the ruins.

Groups traveling to Italy for business or work, often have tight schedules with meetings, conferences and seminars. The time left for visiting the hosting region is little, while normally every Italian region have loads of must-see and must-do things.

Pompeii ruins, cooking experience and full meal in one go!

Tiberius Restaurant has a history of cooking workshops and food tastings for groups in tour. The favorite activity for most groups and organizers is the pizza making, for its the funniest and the simplest to do.
Before starting the preparation process, the chef will explain the procedure and his assistant will hand the tools of trade (apron, chef’s hat, pencil and notebook). During this learning time (approximately 15 minutes), pizza slices and other local tapas will be served along with a freshly squeezed orange juice (or other soft drink). It would be a whole 45 minutes of healthy entertainment, with a new skill learned, a full meal eaten and a certificate of Pizza Maker earned!

Why choose a pizza lesson at the Tiberius for your group?

There are several good reasons to organize a Pizza Lesson at the Tiberius Pompeii. Here are some of them:
All-year-round. The restaurant has a number of dining rooms of different sizes which can host small and large groups both in summer and winter;
A real Neapolitan pizza. The pizza will be cooked in a traditional wood fired oven. There are two such ovens available, one indoor and one outdoor. Depending on the season and the weather, this activity can be carried out either inside the dining room or by the So Zen’s terraced garden.
Across the ruins and free parking for buses. The restaurant is located straight across the exit Porta Ercolano, very convenient for boarding and alighting passengers.
Experienced personnel. The staff has years of experience in this regard and the pizza chef, Luca, is a passionate, humble and calm man, always keen to teach his fellow pizza makers how to make a good pizza.
Classy, trendy and friendly atmosphere. Nice view onto the bay of Naples and Mt. Vesuvio.

Why choose a cooking workshop for your group?

Because cooking is a healthy practice. It helps reducing the stress and it activates the creative process. In a group, the fun-effect makes people happier and connects them on a deeper level of sociability and cooperation.

Other ideas for your group by Tiberius

  • BBQ party
  • Pic Nic in the meadow
  • Food&Wine tastings
  • Ancient Pompeii theme party
  • Traditional recipes cooking lessons

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